Saturday, 9 July 2011

3+ Superman kills Caveman

This is a story on Superman called  3+Superman (3+ because the names Superman 1 and 2 are already taken ). Vedu wants to direct this narration into a movie, when he grows up. (his idea as of now !!)

3+ Superman is super strong, as he always is,  in this story too.

Caveman is the villian in this story. He is very bad and lives in a cave. He has blades on his head, called head blades, using which he kills all people.

3 + Superman flies to Caveman to fight with him.

Superman spots Caveman and gets ready for his landing :) You can see the clouds where he was flying before he landed near to the caveman. You can also see a car going on the road.... Any guesses as to who is driving it ? s Vedant !! He has been following Superman all through  :-)

Superman fights with Caveman.

Suppaman WINS. Caveman dies up..!!!   ;-)

Notice that Suppaman is wearing glasses in the last pic !! Reason being, Vedu gets so much involved in his story + drawings towards the end, that he starts to imagine himself as the Suppaman  :-)  A very Vedant story -  is all his mamma would say !! :P


  1. Vedu,
    Your drawings are too good!
    I really liked the 3rd and 4th pics with Superman flying in the air.
    And Vedu following Superman in the end and Vedu becoming Superman!
    Next, will you write a Spiderman story?


  2. Excellent Ra! Vedu as Superman is the best ending . Flying drawing is very good. Caveman with blades on head is creative. Small Steven spielberg ki jai!

    Tons of lov,
    Vishu mama

  3. Amazing work by Vedant ! Its great to see a small kid being so creative and imaginative on yet another imaginative character - 'Superman'.
    I can foresee the scope of these newly sketched characters being picked up by in the near future. Liked every bit of the story and would share it with my friends !

    Hats Off to the drawings and creativity !

  4. Very good Art work & imagination..Keep it up
